Do Less. Have more.
Coaching that increases your personal vitality and creates more generative ecosystems- without adding more to your plate.

You've accomplished a lot of things in your life. Yet, you find yourself wanting more. Not in a greedy way, but in a "I'm pretty sure there's more goodness to be had" kind of way.
Like you could have richer relationships, live more simply, be less anxious, care for your body, embrace creativity, have energy, actually tell people "no", live adventurously, release control, experience more joy....
My coaching process helps you get there.
How it Works
Clarify what you truly want, not just what culture or other influences tell you that you should want.
Identify and challenge the internal and external obstacles that are obscuring what you long for.
Realize the unseen resources that are available to you and courageously utilize them.
Bring the best of who you are to create an experience of thriving for yourself and others.
What Clients Have Said
I’ve often struggled with comparing myself to others’ success. This comparing was self sabotaging me and holding me back from even trying. Jessica helped me decide that I determine my own success. By practicing that belief I’ve been able to take unprecedented steps toward what I feel is important in starting my business. I’ve achieved so much more than I thought in a short amount of time. I feel proud of myself and my confidence has grown so much. - Johannah Brecht
I can't thank Jessica enough for the new awareness I have. I feel like a door has been opened to a whole new territory for me to explore and grow in which is affecting all my relationships. - J Steel